Before we got started I had casually mentioned that I had maybe ...possibly... already... been scoping out venues and I had fallen completely in love with one buuuuuhhhhttttt. It was in Austin. I told the Mr. this and he was actually fine with it after looking at these babies. Take a look.
All Images Via Natures Point
This place is so dreamy, and romantic; yet still outdoorsy enough for the Mr. I was in love. Honestly, I found this place about 2 months into us dating. Hey, ya know when ya know. But that's another post.
He was sold on this crazy idea of mine but after a day or so I kept questioning if Austin was right for us. I had even gone as far to call the place and set up a tour and even got pricing. It was certainly in our budget and Austin was only about 3 hours away. I continued to think of all the reasons why we could make this work. But then the guilt set in and I started to think of all the reason why Austin wouldn't work.
All of my family and most of his family live in Houston. This would mean that travel arrangements would have to be made for pretty much everyone. That would also mean that extra costs would have to be made and with the economy and our families struggling as it was we just felt bad having to ask so much of our guests to make it that far. Our close family had said that if people really want to come they will- trying to make us feel better but ultimately, we decided against it.
To those Austin brides out there, did any one pick Nature's Point? I want to see your pictures and live vicariously through you. Did anyone else want an semi- destination wedding at first but decide against it for your family's sake.