Today while scouring the web on lunch I decided on a whim that I would search for our kitchen sink. Early on in the home building talks we I decided that I had to have a farm sink.
Have you seen them? I mean seriously they are gorgeous. They are all over the web pinterest. After finally convincing my hubby that a farm sink was the way to go for our country home I got the OK to start my search.
We have done a few pop in's at the home depot but nothing caught my eye- even after checking out their website.
Aaron even found a few in copper that he loved but we let go of that idea right away because we "heard" the costs started at about $4,000. I mean really. Are. You. Kidding. Me!!
So like I said on a whim today I got a hair up my bum to start searching the web myself in hopes that something would pop out and catch my eye.
I originally searched a few porceline sinks since I heard they were somewhat affordable, scratch resistant, and beautiful in general. I looked at a few of the porceline ones and then decided to just "see" just how much these copper ones were and look what I found.
Isn't it beautiful. I love the feminine floral detailing. Even the hubbs approves and stated that "Well, a sink is a focal point in the kitchen, I think I can live with that!" Hopefully next month sometime this sink will be mine!!
Yippeee.... Has anyone else been this excited when picking out accessories in their new home?? Or am I just crazy?