I love that she is growing and learning but sometime especially at night when she just wants to play peek a boo or keeps lifting her head up off my shoulders I miss those sweet baby moments where she would just lay in my arms and look up at me with her big blue eyes in wonder. Wondering what on earth everything is so curious ...her little baby angelic face.
Now when I look at her I see this sweet little girl just dying for us to teach her and for her to learn her own way in the world....slow down baby girl.
All smiles....all of the time!!!
This month she has started to really come into her own. She can feed herself her little rice cereal pick ups and rarely has trouble chewng them up and swallowing. I can sit her down to eat her pickups while I cook dinner at night and look over and she is just content waiting for me to hand her some more.
She has really learned to play and occupy herself on her own. She still rarely fusses. She is such a GOOD baby. I mean really y'all she never cries. The only time she does is because she is hungry or wet. Her hungry cry is just so funny too because its more like she's hollaring at me to get her a ba ba sooner!! She eats 2 full baby foods at every sitting and is still eating between 4-5 bottles every day.... my big eater. Oh and she loves anything. No complaints on any food yet. Chicken and Apples and Prunes so far are her favorite.
sweet potatoes be gone!!!
All done...I want some more cereal lady!!
Shes all over the floor now. She basically rolls from one end of the carpet in the living room to the other. Aaron and I have realized we cannot leave her unwatched any longer on the floor for very long becuase she will find anything and put it in her mouth.
trying to get her to go after her ball
eh....it aint worth it mom....
Really mom... that is soooo far away!!
We had our 9 month check up and she is doing excellent. Vocabualary wise she is blowing those other babies out of the water.... she knows both Momma, Dada and Baba...she knows the difference too! Motor skills are on que....but we need to star working on letting her pull up on her own so more. I am guilty of picking her up or grabbing her arms if she is struggling. I really need to make a conscious effort to let her do it herself even if she fusses a little bit.
As far as crawling we are not there yet but she tries. She gets on all fours and just rocks back an fourth... I am just waiting for the day she decides to take off.
She weighed in as her usually string bean self 16.6 lbs and 28 3/4 " long. She is so long and tiny and absolutely perfect.
This month she also went swimming for the first time (shame on me I know... no pictures) She loved it after about 10 minutes it took to get used to the large crowd and the feel of the water.
The pricked her finger to check to see if she was anemic.... nom nom nom...yummy bandaids!
Momma that hurt...
All smiles again
Oh and how she loves her daddy! She will sit on the couch and just play wih his face for a very long time. She loves to grab on his nose and his ears and especially pull at his hair. She just loves him sooo much I can tell.
As far as mommy time. I so love rushing home to my sweet princess every day. On my way home sometimes Aaron will put me on speaker phone if she is fussing and I will sing to her for a bit and he says she always smiles or gets a big excited grin just knowing it is me. (i love that)
Night time is becoming more and more special to me. I feel like as a baby I didn't hold her enough for fear that she would be too clingy and now all I want to do is hold her before bed. After our bath and pjs, we get a book and read for a bit and then I just lay there rocking her. Singing her sweet songs and breathing in her sweet smell. Oh Annie girl... you seriously melt your momma's heart.
Mommy and Annie snuggles
I can't believe you will be 1 year old in less than 3 months. Your momma is planning you a beautiful first birthday party...I know you will love!!
Happy 9 months sweet girl!