Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Testimony Tuesday

Kristina Landrum shares ~

I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to tell you why I decided to start taking Plexus, why I decided to sell plexus, and why I continue to take Plexus. Originally I just wanted to lose 5 lbs. and I wanted to sell the products so I could get them at a wholesale cost and I would be able to make enough money to pay for my product.
My why has evolved into so much more than weight loss and wholesale prices. As I was on the product I started reading people’s testimonies; I read about people with different medical issues (infertility, PCOS, etc.), and about them getting pregnant after being on Plexus.
When I was 26 I had my hormone levels tested. My estrogen was way too high and my progesterone was way too low! If you know anything about pregnancy and hormones then you already know that you have and maintain a decent level of progesterone in order to get pregnant and in order to keep the baby once you are pregnant. I had my progesterone levels tested and my doctor was actually surprised at how low my progesterone was for somebody my age. Mine was 0.31, and it is supposed to be 0.95 to 21.00 ng/mL.
So, as advised, I immediately started taking hormone replacement therapy. At that point in my life I didn't want to be pregnant, but I was thinking about my future; about how one day I would get married and how I would want to have a baby.
I continued to pay for the blood work and continued to pay for the medication, but my levels never really got close to the reference range. Eventually the blood work and medication became too expensive, so I stopped having my levels tested and stopped the medication.
Then I found Plexus Slim; it was a product that I loved and I felt great on! Like I said, I found out that people were able to get pregnant while on Plexus so I was even more intrigued and drawn to the products.
My husband and I decided to start trying, and within no time I was able to conceive! I let my doctor know and she was actually quite shocked that I was able to conceive without any sort of medication or any medical intervention.

That was my why, but it has evolved passed that again, because now that I am pregnant I want to be a stay at home mom. I am going to be a stay at home mom and I don’t have any guilt about that because I have my Plexus check to help supplement my husband’s pay check. I am so blessed and grateful to have that income coming in and we are so blessed to have conceived a daughter, and I really do put all of that into God and Plexus!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Testimony Tuesday

Ashley's Plexus Testimonial

"This is a pic of me in the ER during one of the many panic attacks I used to suffer from and I was convinced I was going to die. If you’ve ever experienced this, then you know it’s by far one of the most horrifying things—ever! To lighten the mood, Baron said, “You look so pretty in that hospital gown, I’m going to take your picture.” I have such a great husband, amazing son, and I live a happy life. So why in the heck did the ER doctor tell me, “There’s nothing wrong with you. Your stats are normal. Here’s some Xanax. Go on home now….” **insert huge question mark here**

Ugh…more Xanax…to add to the growing pile of pills, antidepressants, and sleeping pills.
This leads me to my one-year update on my health journey with Plexus. Since I began taking the products late Oct 2013, I have not had one single anxiety or panic attack and I'm off all of my antidepressants. I no longer suffer from insomnia, nor do I need any of those awful sleeping pills that would have me feeling sluggish and lethargic the next day. I’m no longer a doctor’s problem patient and I don’t need to be a guinea pig for the various medications that should have “fixed me” but instead only caused more problems and side effects that would lead to me needing yet another medication.

I also haven’t had any bladder or yeast infections, which I’d get on almost a monthly basis, thus getting another Cipro prescription. And instead of getting sick almost every single month, I now maybe get sick with a cold two or three times a year! My eczema and acne breakouts are cleared up—my back, arms, chest, and legs used to be riddled with it. My stomach doesn’t hurt as often as it used to…at one point doctors thought I “might” have an ulcer, but they never could figure out exactly why my tummy would hurt almost every time I ate. And for those who are wondering about my weight (which does fluctuate…hello, that happens to ALL of us even on the very best supplements out there!) I’m still maintaining the lowest body fat I’ve ever had—recently just dropping 3 pounds by adding our new product Block to my regimen.

I strongly believe SO many issues are rooted in an unhealthy gut (gastrointestinal issues, leaky gut, candida overgrowth) and by tuning up our insides and getting our bodies working the way God intended is vital to our overall health. We can't control some of the foods we eat. If you don't eat organic, wild, grassfed—then the meats are loaded with antibiotics that were given to the animal to keep it alive and steroids to make it grow bigger and faster. And guess what? Every time you eat at a restaurant, you’re eating those exact meats! Even “Prime” meat is NOT necessarily natural or grass fed. I encourage you to Google it and see for yourself. If you consume a diet high in simple carbs and starches, artificial sweeteners like aspartame and products that say “diet” or “fat free,” if you live in an environment where invisible toxins most likely lurk in the air we breathe (mold, pollution, etc.), if you drink tap water that could have contaminants in it, and if you take certain medications like antibiotics and birth control…Then did you know that ALL of those factors KILL the much needed healthy bacteria in your GI tract, throwing your intestinal “eco system” into a smorgasbord for the bad yeast and fungus to thrive…leading your body to experience a whole slew of side effects and a lot of them now scientifically proven to be directly linked to autoimmune disorders?

Trying to eat healthy is important, but as I said above even some of those “healthy” choices you make might not be as healthy as you think. Did you know that 80% of our immune system is in your intestinal tract?? Which is why I strongly believe that nothing is more important than supplementing high quality probioticsvitamins, and natural supplements to help combat our bodies against these toxins and impurities…and keep our immune system functioning the way God intended in the first place."

Halloween Eve

Halloween Eve I have to say was pretty nice this year.

Since it fell on a FriYay I decided to take advantage of the day care and dropped Annie off and hit the gym with the hubby, but not before snapping some pictures of this cutie in her party attire.

Once I got home I tidied up the house and then headed back to Annie's school to help her kick off the Halloween Festivities with a cute little Halloween Party.

She was so excited I was there in her class with her but she was ready for me to take her home.
I think she was confused.

Once I convinced her I was staying a while and I wouldn't leave her she was fine.

I got to meet all of her little friends and sat around the table in kiddie chairs drinking juice and eating eyeball Oreo cookies- such a cute idea!

I'm so thankful for these little moments and can't wait for more of them in the future.

Halloween 2015

I almost thought Halloween weekend was going to be a big bust because it has not stopped raining here the last week.
Insane I tell ya.
The rain it just needs to go away already!  Its ruining our fun fall weekends.

After it literally down poured all day Saturday we finally saw a break around 3 pm and decided it was time to load up and head to my sister in laws for some Halloween fun.

Annie was not amused with her costume the first 10 minutes it was on her.
After me fussing over her that she looked pretty I decided to let her be with her tears and she finally forgot about it and was fine the rest of the evening.

Can I say we have a drama queen on our hands?
(Now if only I was a good mamma and remembered to take a picture of her crying her eyeballs out.  Darn)

We loaded up the car and headed a few blocks over to their friends house and headed out for the night.
Little Red Wagon- check
Halloween Bucket- check
Cute Kid dressed like Dorthy- check!

The first few houses she was very hesitant but once she realized she got hand fulls of candy or the opportunity to pet a cute puppy that was at a house she was all over it.
I had to literally run to keep up with her the rest of the night.

Many times I looked back to the street only to find Aaron searching for me and me waiving to him that we are 2 houses in front of him!

Everyone oohed and awed over little miss Dorthy.

They just ate her cuteness up like I do on the daily.

And who doesn't' love a cute little toddler saying... "tink a tink"  (trick or treat!)

I'd say this Halloween was a success.  Now to think about what little bit will be next year...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Second Businesses

By now you probably know that I have an entrepreneur side to me.  I have a passion for two very separate things.  One of them lets me use my artistic side and the other lets me use my passion for helping people get healthy.  These two business that let me use my passions are Southern Belle Bouquets and Plexus.

The first business I started was Southern Belle Bouquets.  I was recently married and I had so many people compliment my fabric flowers and bouquet at my wedding and after that I decided to see if I could make a business out of it!
The pondering began for a name and the only thing that suited it more was Southern Belle Bouquets and so that little crafty business was born.  I have to admit, Its kinda fallen to the wayside in the last 2 years and I have gotten a few orders here and there but I am hoping all of that will change soon. 
If your interested in seeing my work you should check out my shop.  The link is above!!

The second business I started in order to get healthy.  Plexus.
My friend Heather introduced me to the product in January 2014 but it wasn't until April of 2014 that I actually decided to give it a try!
Instead of paying full price, because I mean who wants to do that, I signed up as an ambassador.  I decided if I could get a few customers I could pay for my product that way and so that business was born.
Now I am growing my team, growing my wealth and getting healthier by the day.  If your interested in learning more about how Plexus can help you with your weight loss struggles just ask. FYI- Plexus is so much more than weight loss its a health and wellness company.  Weight loss is just one of the many perks!!  My link is posted above as well if you'd like to check out our awesome products!!


So theres' a little more to me than my typical work days at my day to day job.  I love that I have these business to keep my busy and help me meet different people.

Do you have an entrepreneur side?  If so what is your passion? 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Annalise's Nursery

I am going to try to do a few room tours this month.  This is if we can keep each room clean long enough so that I can take some pictures!

Last weekend I probablly spent a good 2 hours in Annie's room purging her closet and organizing her armoire and dresser.

I remember when we found out we were going to have a girl I invisioned a room that was peaceful, quite, and calming.  I wanted lavender and terquoise colors a few dabs of pink if it fit and nothing too expensive.

Literally everything in her room we bought used except for the glider.

This room is still my favorite room in the house.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

31 Facts About Me

I thought this would be a fun little post so that you all can get to know me better.
These are in no particular order.

1. I HATE, and I mean hate rodents- mice, rats, hampsters, squirrels, etc. Like, I am literally terrified of them.  I have stories... lots of stories maybe I'll write a post about them one day.
2. I knew my husband for 5 years before I ever gave him the chance to take me on a date!
3. I love musicals
4. I can recite any song on any Disney Princess movie!
5. My biggest pet peve is people blowing their nose or wiping their nose in front of me.  GAG!
6. I am the eldest of all my siblings with 19 years difference between me and my youngest brother.
7. Even though my cousins live far apart we are all still very close and I love that about us.
8. My dad. Even though he is gone I swear sometimes he is right next to me.  Especially when I am probably driving too fast and singing too lound in my car, thats when I feel his presence the most!
9. I was told at the age of 22 I probably would never be able to have children- that dr. was a liar!
10.  If we go to the movies I have to have a cherry ICEE.  Its just a rule I can't break!
11. Besides living in Texas I have also lived in New York and Oregon.  If I could choose, I would have probably lived in Oregon forever.  It is so so pretty there.  I LOVED it.
12. Bud Light lime is my drink of choice for social occasions but I am also a fan of any fruity drink with an umbrella in it.  Especially if it involves me barefoot on the beach.
13.  Oh the beach.  I really hope I will be able to visit many more tropical beaches in my day.  Nothing is more relaxing to me than laying by the water and reading a good book at the beach.  It recharges me like nothing else.
14.  I rarely cuss but if I do its normally the "S" word or the "F" word and used to just make my point!
15. My dream car is an Audi A5 Cabriolet- however, I will gladly take a free Plexus Lexus one day!
16. I miss my grandma a lot.  I think of her often and wonder what she would think of Annalise. I miss her Alabama accent and giving us money and gum out of her "pocketbook."
17.  My sister is my best friend even though we are complete opposites!
18.  I had to move 1400 miles away to meet my best friend Heidi and I am so glad I did. Even though we don't talk often we always pick up right where we left off.
19.  My Aunt Evy always has the best advice, I hope to be as awesome as her one day!
20.  I have a weird obsession with stripes lately. Seems a lot of my clothing has horizontal stripes.  I just cant stop buying them.
21. I hate my natural wavy hair. This is why you will most likely know I have naturally wavy hair. Its usually straightened or curled, and yes, I am that girl that will spend an hour fixing my hair only to put it up in a pony tail an hour later!
22.  I dont get all the hoopla over pumpkin everything.
23.  My favorite holiday is my birthday and Christmas.
24.  I like to indulge in a good book whenever I can.  Once I get into it though I will stay up as late as I can until it is finished.
25.  I believe with all my heart my daddy sent me my daughter from heaven.
26.  I have always dreamed of being a broadway singer but never had the guts to try!
27.  I am addicted to pinterest
28.  I clean when I am really REALLY mad.
29.  I clean when I am bored too.  I just like to clean.
30.  I believe I am a good combination of an introvert and an extrovert.  Becuase I do enjoy a good party but I could also stay in yoga pants and watch movies all day.
31. I am 31 years old and pretty happy with this life God has given me.  I am truly blessed.

So there ya go.  Me in a nutshell.  Do we have anything in common?  Comment below.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Testimony Tuesday: Real Men Drink Pink

Plexus Ambassador Heidi Speer shares her husband Clint's story and shows that the #PinkDrink isn't just for women...

Plexus Ambassador Heidi Speer shares her husband Clint's story and shows that the #PinkDrink isn't just for women...

"My Plextimony is a little different than the ones you're probably used to seeing floating around. I started my Plexus journey because my wife started taking it and well...I just really liked the taste of it. I didn't have any weight to lose and I was actually trying to put on weight after getting down to a scrawny 163 lbs. For a man standing at 6'2'', that is very skinny. Overall I didn't struggle with portion or craving control, and my blood pressure and cholesterol were just fine.

So I didn't really NEED Plexus, right??

It all started out with that tasty little fruit-flavored pink drink. Plus she left these little Plexus packages laying all over the house. So naturally I drank it. One, sometimes two if I was thirsty, and even three on the days that my wife didn't catch me. I liked the taste! Give me a break!

Anyway, after about a month of her taking the products and deciding to share Plexus with others, I was being dragged along to meeting after meeting about Plexus and hearing story after story about people getting better control over cravings, losing weight, kicking sugar and caffeine habits, and just improving their overall health. I mean, I loved the taste of it, and I did actually feel better and have increased energy when I had Plexus Slim on-board, but it didn't compare to the weight loss and health testimonials that I was hearing at these meetings. Did it?

After hearing Plexus this and Plexus that for a few months, curiosity got the best of me and I caved and asked her if she thought I could benefit from the Plexus multivitamin. Well, of course she couldn't throw the XFactor vitamins my way fast enough! She was excited that I was interested in more than just the taste of the drink! I even let her in on my thoughts about the pink drink, the energy I was feeling, the fact that I was sleeping better at night, and just feeling better overall. Maybe I should've kept that to myself because then she actually started making me talk at some of her meetings.

At the beginning of 2014 we both were feeling good enough that we wanted to start really working out. Now...this was very unusual for me for a few different reasons. i would always start out with good intentions and I wanted to support my wife on her health and fitness journey while she was dealing with her medical issues, but I would always fall short. I would either get discouraged because I couldn't put on muscle or weight no matter how hard I tried, or I would just be so tired that I really couldn't be bothered to waste what little energy I did have at the gym.

So in January when we made the commitment to working out and sticking with it, I truly didn't see it going very far.

And then it happened.

In January we started back at Rivermarket Boot camp that we had been doing on and off for about a year. Before Plexus we would usually make it to a few classes and then before I knew it I was making excuses and saying "we'll go tomorrow". Well when we started back, this time was different. This time we completed the full 5 weeks, and it felt awesome!!!

In February we decided to make a commitment to working out twice a week with our trainer Bashay who owned the boot camp. Now, I wasn't sure that I would actually stick with it because that's not what I do but I can definitely say that this time was different. I WANTED to workout. WHAT?!

I felt good and now I wanted to LOOK good. I can definitely say that having my pink drink and my XFactor significantly impacted my workouts and my results. I was able to stick to a cleaner diet while working out and I knew that the pink drink was helping me burn fat instead of muscle. Not to mention the incredible energy that the XFactor gave me to get me through 2 hours of intense weight training.

Now we are coming up on a year of CONSISTENTLY working out at least 4 times a week, and I feel awesome and I'm even stronger than I was in my high school football days! And it is pretty neat getting to do this along side my wife and experience this journey together.

So for all of you out there that think this "little pink drink" is just for women, or that its all about weight loss, I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. It's about overall improved health and being able to feel good about yourself on the inside AND the outside!

Real men DRINK PINK!"


Hey Y’all! I’m Crystal Evans, wife to Aaron and mommy to Annalise.I love all things purple, planning parties, cooking like the pioneer woman, and drinking iced tea on the back porch.

I started this little blog back in 2011 to document our wedding planning.  I've dabbled here and there in this little blog but recently I have really wanted to make an effort to document our life as a family of 3.

I want to capture memories in time so that I can revisit them and show Annie one day when she is older.

I love reading other blogs so figured I would give it a good try myself.  So, we'll see where this little piece of web space takes me!

Monday, October 12, 2015

31 Day Blog Challenge

I have been searching for more ways to interact with you, my readers.  The whole 5 of you! lol.
So I have decided to do a 31 day blog challenge and see how it goes!
This should be fun. So sit tight get ready to know me a little better!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Testimony Tuesday!

This testimony blew my mind.  I have been following Rachael on facebook for quite a while now and knew some of her struggles but never would have imagined this.  Rachael Rogers shares her persoanl and emotional struggle with cystic acne and how she is overcoming. 

Rachael says:
"My tummy is CHURNING just thinking about posting this but if it can help even one person, it's worth the humiliation (an possibly hateful commnets).
Acne sufferers will totally understand.  If you have perfect skin, BE. THANKFUL. because there are  TON of us who don't.  I personally battled with cystic acne for over 18 years.  The left is the very worst my skin had ever been and right is last week- lots of rednes and scarring but ZERO pimples.  I've tried every cream, mask, gel & acne system known to man.  I've tried clean eating and exercising.  I've cut out all sugar, coke & chocolate. I've tried antibiotics, accutan,e lasers, facials... all the typical dermatologist recommendations.  It's been a very long jouney but I've finally found a systemthat works for me.  About a year ago, I found out that an immediate relative had been diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa, or "Acne Inversa" and were tol that HS was a hereditary issue and that they probably had a family member that struggled with cystic acne or HS.
Ummmmm...that would be ME!
Long story short, I spent the last year trying different combinations of products (with Plexus TriPlex combo at the center of it all) and finally found a system that works for me.
We found that the TriPlex, plus XFactor, MegaX and a very low dose of cephalosporin antibiotic was the perfect combination of clearning my skin, improving my scarring and keeping acne at bay.  Typically with long-term antibiotic use, problems will occur such as yeast infections and tummy issues but because I'm replacing good bacteria in my gut every day, cleansing my GI tract/ colon every day, taking an incredible vitamin that helps me absorb these nutrients, Slim to balance blood sugar, and MegaX to keep the epidermal bacteria at bay too (that's what Omexa 5 & 7 do!!!), my body has had ZERO issues that are typically associated with antibiotics.  Plexus alone is not a cure- all and neither are prescription meds.  I've tried antibiotics alone MANY times in the past and they've NEVER kept my skin clear. Never.  But pairing them with my Plexus products has worked for me and this could be someone else's answer too.  Finding out that your specific type of acne is hereditary is not fun, but God was faithful in helping me find a system that works best for me.
Your story might be similar.  I'd love to help you find a combination that works best for you too!!

Send me an email if you would like more information.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Dishes Can Wait

So last night after dinner as usual I gave Annie a bath and we played for a good 20 minutes or so.
I splash her, she soaks me.
I feed her bubbles.
She drinks water I pour out of her little gardening pot.

After I dressed and sat her down with daddy I went back to the dishes that were in the sink to finish  washing them.
Annie came up to my side stretching her sweet little hands up to me.
"Maaaamaaaa" she cried at my feet.
"Baby Im doing dishes just give me a minute, OK?"
"Maaaahhhh maaaah" she cried some more.
In that instant I just stood there and thought.
What are you doing, stop and hold that baby.

And so I did.

I turned the water off, left the dirty dishes there in the sink and picked her up and held her.
That lasted a whole thirty seconds and then she hopped down and wandered to her room.
She brought out every pair of shoes out she could carry in here arms and we then tried on every pair of shoes until bed time.

Its times like these I want to remember.
Times that I know she wants me.
Not cartoons, not her toys, me.
She wants to know I love her and that I'm never too busy for her.

To top that off, after we said our prayers she looked up at me said.
"Wuuv Ewww" (Love you)

I'm pretty sure I died a little bit on the inside and went to heaven.

"I love you too sweet girl."
Our babies are small.
Snuggle them, hold them and love them because the dishes can wait.

Weekend Wrap Up and Labor Day

This weekend was a whirl wind I tell ya.
Thursday night we set sail to head up to Dallas to watch two of our love bird friends tie the knot at the JP on Friday morning.
The drive was long and long... and did I mention long.
5 hours with a toddler in tow and the DVD player crapping out is no fun.
For the most part we made due with lots of singing, Cheetos's and milk until she finally passed out.

Friday morning we woke early as usual with Annie and kinda lounged around and visited until it was time for the "I Do's."

After more visiting and prepping homemade pasta - YUMMY.  Our visit was up and it was time to head home with a sick little one in tow.

I don't know what we all got into but we are all kinda under the weather now.
Annie had been having a runny nose all weekend- I attributed to allergies and the 5 hour difference.
But, now that Aaron and I are both feeling it I am not so sure.
Lots of warm beverages, Vick's vapor rub and cough drops have been laying around.

Monday we kinda just lounged around and I soaked up extra snuggles with Annie and did the usual cleaning, and prepping for another week.

Sorry, but our life just wasn't too exciting around these parts this week.
Unless you count Annalise picking her nose for the first time!
Yup, and I got it all on camera!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Just Call Me Aunt Ci Ci

There is nothing greater in the world than being a mommy and second to that is being an aunt.  
I never in a million years could have guessed the love and joy and my nephew and nieces bring to my life.

They all seriously melt my heart every time I see them.
I love spending time with them.  
I love that I get to see them grow up
And I especially love that they know they can always ALWAYS count on me.

This weekend I was overfilled with love and joy just by spending a few minutes having a dance party with them. 
Twirling these little princesses around my finger.  Spinning in circles and jumping up a down to our favorite song is just so much fun with them.

I want to treasure these moments just like I treasure the moments with Annie.

I know too soon they will end.... though I secretly hope dance parties never end because what fun would life be without a good ol' dance party.

Colt, Abbigayle, Olivia and RaeLynn- Aunt CiCi loves you all so very much!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Pioneer Woman Collection

Is anyone else out there obsessed with the Pioneer Woman?
Just me?
Y'all did you know her collection hit Walmart this morning and just about everything is sold out!!
I cannot believe it. Well I can.  But damn. I wanted some goodies and now I have to wait.
Until then I am just going to have to drool over all this deliciousness.
Shes pure genius and knows how to pull my love of kitchenware heart strings.
Hopefully I can get my hands on some of these items come September 14th.
Until then..... I'll stay in dreamland until these beauties are in my kitchen!!

Its like she designed these just to go in MY kitchen I tell ya!!

I mean the butterfly detail on this?  Its like she designed it just for me!!!

Again with the butterfly... I died again and went to kitchenware heaven!!

The old country charm details....the heavens opened up and angels are singing everywhere!

Dearest Hubby,
About that overtime you got this week......
I LOVE you!!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Happy (50th) Birthday Mom!

This year we celebrated my mom's 50th and my cousin Tina's 40th Birthday at our house with all of our closest family.

All 4 of her sisters and her brother showed up.
Sadly two were out of state and couldn't make it.
But nonetheless, we all had a great time.

Oldest to Youngest
Chuck, Lorinda, Beth, Kathy, Angela, Sandra

I tried to keep the decor and food simple and went with a Kate Spade- black, white and pink color scheme.
You know having a toddler ain't nobody got time for crazy amounts of cooking and decorating these days.

The day before I baked the cake and cupcakes and managed to even get the taco meat ready for the Nacho Bar.

I would say everything went off without a hitch.

Fun was had by all.

Happy 50th Mom!

Love you!

 Happy Birthday Cupcake Toppers: Hobby Lobby
Happy Birthday Banner: Hobby Lobby
Eat Me Cake Sign: Etsy
Pink Chandelier: Hobby Lobby
Black White Wrapping Paper: Hobby Lobby

Easy Lasagna

So I was asked to make my famous, not so famous lasagna by my mother in law this weekend for her birthday dinner.
I thought I would share with all of you my easy recipe.
Most of family doesn't like the traditional lasagna because of the ricotta cheese.  I would be one of them!  Ick!
However, I still love the meat and cheesy goodness that comes from the layered dinner.
I came up with this recipe years ago and it has been a hit since!

1 pound of Hamburger
Ready Bake Lasagna Noodles
1 large Jar of Ragu Pasta Sauce (or your favorite jar of marina sauce)
6 cups of Mozzarella Cheese
Favorite seasonings

Brown Hamburger meat in a large skillet, adding your favorite seasonings as desired. I add about 1 teaspoon of each of the following:
crushed red pepper, basil, oregano, onion powder, dried minced onion, black pepper, garlic powder,
(I find this adds a lot more flavor to your meat than if you don't add anything)
Once your meat is browned add in your can of sauce to your meat and bring to a boil-stirring occasionally so it doesn't stick.
Next, spray your casserole dish with some non stick cooking spray and then add a little bit of sauce to the bottom of the dish.
Layer your ready bake pasta to the bottom, usually 3 pieces will cover the bottom. Then add a layer of your meat sauce mixture.  Then top with about 2-3 cups of mozzarella cheese.

Once you have your two layers add remaining cheese and then I like to add a few dashes of Parmesan, and a few dashes of garlic powder and some more basil to the top.(see picture below)
Bake in oven uncovered for 30 minutes at 425 degrees.
Pull out and let sit about 10 to 15 minutes and then serve. should be bubbly and slightly brown on the top

This is seriously the easiest dish to make if you are trying to impress your family!!  Oh and there won't be any leftovers so you can double it up and make an extra batch to freeze!!


Monday, August 3, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up

Friday was spent running errands for a majority of the day and then spent snuggling up on the couch with a book I cannot put down.  Seriously, you need to go and get it now.

Saturday was a whirlwind of a busy day. 
We woke early to go to the zoo first thing in the morning before it got over 100 degrees.  It is seriously HOT right now!


Annie wasn't too amused this go round.  Aaron was pretty bummed about it too because it was his first trip to the zoo with her.  Hopefully in the next few months as she starts learning to recognize the animals the excitement will start to set in.

After the zoo my favorite mother in law took Annie for a couple hours so Aaron and I could catch a flick and have a few drinks.  If you live the Spring, Texas or surrounding area you need the check out the old Lowe's theatre.  The have completely redone the inside and now offer cool leather electric reclining seats.  Y'all they are awesome.  I'm pretty sure we wont go anywhere but there!  We saw Mission Impossible and it was pretty good.

Afterwards we grabbed a few drinks at our favorite Mexican Restaurant- Lupe Tortilla.  I just love spending time with this man. He seriously is my dream guy.

After that I got a random text from some friends that were in the area and we met up with them to play a few rounds at Top Golf.
Aaron and I hadn't tried it out yet, but it was seriously SO much fun. I am not a golfer y'all.  I was actually quite terrible, missing the ball at least 3 to 4 times before I actually hit it.  Overall though, 2 thumbs up and super fun double date!!

Sunday was spent snuggling my favorite girl for the morning and then I finally go my house back in order after vacation and exhaustion the weeks following.  Don't you just love a clean house?  It seriously makes me all sorts of happy.

We finished the evening off with a bang at my sisters house to eat some pizza and let the kids hang out. 
Oh, and Annie said he first full sentence. "I want out!!"  She repeated it nearly 3 times for even a more dramatic affect.  I had no idea we were getting to sentences. This girl sure knows how to surprise her momma.

Happy Monday Folks!!
Don't forget to Drink your plexus!!
