Baby is the size of an Orange

Total Weight Gain/ Loss: Looks like I am down a pound from last week. Total weight gain of 3 pounds now
Stretch Marks: The same, and still using Mustella every night.
Symptoms: This week I have felt great!!
Sleep: Pretty well, last night was a bit restless but I did stay up til midnight watching Safe Haven so that just might have to do with it! I have noticed too I am not getting up near as often to go pee. Happy Dance!!!
Best Moments: This week has been pretty laid back. I would say the best moments were spending time with my cousin Diane and talking to her and my sister about their birth stories.
Also, keeping my sweet niece over night for the first time. She is such a sweet snugly baby. I could love on her all day long!!
And our house has walls!! So that is pretty awesome!
Miss Anything: Ice cream!! I ate it last week after lunch and had the worst stomach ache after that. Baby doesn't like it I suppose. That or anything sweet.
Have you started to show: Yup!!
Baby Is A? : We find out next week!!!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in! But my stomach is getting harder by the day!
Wedding Rings On or Off: On, and I got it cleaned on Sunday, looks so much better!!
Feeling Happy or Moody: Happy for sure!!
Cravings: Boneless Buffalo Chicken Wings, I think I ate them 4 times this week so far!!
Looking forward to: Relaxing this weekend and finishing up a few things for our gender reveal party next weekend.
Goals this week: Keep up with the laundry and go to the gym a couple times
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