Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jumping on that Healthy Bandwagon

So just like many other brides out there we all want to look our best on one of the most important days of our life, right?

So back in January I decided that this was this year. This was the year that I want to get fit, I want to tighten and I want to loose weight.  I have never really been one to struggle with my weight that is until about 4 years ago.  Back in high school and until I was about, oh 22, I had always been fit and pretty much on the skinny side of the spectrum. I don't know if it was just poor eating habits, lack of exercise or just that I "got comfortable" with my ex that I just didn't care anymore. 
Now when I look in the mirror I don't exactly love what I see but I can't really put blame on anything but myself either.  So I decided that this will be the year!  The year where I will consciously make an effort to watch what I eat.  Consciously make an effort to go to the gym even though I don't want. And consciously keep thinking about how hot I want to look on my wedding day.  How gorgeous I want to look on our honeymoon and how amazing I want my fiance to think that I look.  I know he doesn't care as much about me loosing weight or even just trying to tone up a bit.  Because he did propose to me and to me at the weight that I have been.  But the fact of the matter is I do, I care!  I don't want to wake up on my wedding day and say man, I should have worked out more.  Or man, I really eat way too much Pizza. 
I want to wake up, look in the mirror and say, "I'm beautiful, I did the best that I could and I am marrying my best friend!"  To me that is all that matters!
So here's to no weight regrets.  I am jumping on that healthy bandwagon.  What other brides out there are with me??

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