Wednesday, July 31, 2013

21 Weeks

How Far Along Are You:  21 Weeks (22 and 2 days today)

Baby is the Size of A: Carrot

Stretch Marks:  Oh Joy, I had two sprout up just above my belly button this week.  I noticed them Monday morning.  I am hoping they don't get much worse. I'll be sure to tell Miss Annie not to get her belly button pierced.  Pregnant with a old belly button ring scar is not pretty!!

Symptoms: I'm feeling really great, I don't have much to complain about.  My feet are still swelling but I am just putting that up as being pregnant now. I have done everything I can to eliminate it from happening but sitting down all day probably doesn't help my cause.  By late evening of having them propped up they normally start to subside.

Sleep:  This week was pretty good until Monday night.  I was wide awake at 3 am and decided to just get up.  I feel so bad when I am restless because I know I am keeping Aaron up.  He says he doesn't mind, but I know I would.  I just watched some TV in the living room, did a load of laundry, packed lunches and cleaned the kitchen till it was time for me to wake him up.  My plan now is to just exhaust myself and by 10 pm I should just be so tired I need to sleep.

Best Moments:  This week was amazing because Aaron finally got to feel his sweet baby girl kick.  It was such an awesome moment.  Sunday night she was moving like crazy and I asked him to come over and feel her.  I thought they might be strong enough.  Sure enough when he put his hand on my belly she stopped.  Monday morning I was lying in bed on my side and I could feel her wiggling all over the place so I knew this was  a good time.  I woke him up and took his hand to the left of my belly and just as it got there he felt her.  It was so sweet to see his reaction. 

Miss Anything:  Nothing as of now.  I am just trying to eat as healthy as I can for this sweet baby girl and keep my salt intake in control.

Have you Started to Show:  Duh!!  Yea, I feel huge but I know I still have a ways to go. 

Baby is A: Girl

Belly Button In or Out:  Still In

Happy or Moody:  I would say happy for the most part except as I reported last week about my A/C in my car, it decided to do it again.  Monday we took it in to get fixed so hopefully that won't be happening anymore in the near future.  Texas Heat, Humidity, plus pregnancy = not a happy Crystal

Cravings:  Ice cream as usual and that is about it so far.

Goals this Week:  Continue to work out at least 2 or 3 times a week.  And get some more furniture painted for Annalise's room.  We bought he furniture this weekend so I am excited to get some fresh paint on top of it so come move in day we are good to just set up shop! (I am using safe paint, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint)

Sorry no bump photos this week. I guess I never managed to take one.  Next week I promise I will have one!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

20 Weeks, I am halfway there!!!

How Far Along Are You?  20 Weeks (21 weeks today)

Baby is the Size of A: Banana

Stretch Marks:  Still looking good in that area. And still lathering on the Mustella every night. I am really hoping it is helping!  But I am still only halfway there!
Symptoms:  I have been feeling really well except for the fact that all last week my feet were swollen to the max.  I mean, they HURT!!  Thursday I just wanted to cry because I was on them pretty much from the time I got up til about 9:30 at night minus the times I am sitting at my desk but from 5-9 I was pretty much on them and they showed it.  I am really trying to watch my sodium (no more French Fries, or Burgers for a while). For the better part of Sunday I spent the day with my feet propped up.
Sleep:  Not going so hot this week.  I have gotten in the "habit" it seems of waking at about 2 am to go to the bathroom and then playing on my phone until about 5.  Then come 5:45 when the alarm starts to go off I do not want to get up! 
Best Moments:  Spending Saturday with my mom for her Birthday and the hanging out with some family afterwards.  Sunday we spend the day relaxing.  And Monday Annie was kicking up a storm. I just love to feel her moving around in there. I know she is getting stronger ever single day!
Miss Anything:  As of lately Salty things.  But I know I really need to lay off, so I'll get over it!
Have You Started to Show:  I would say so!!  I saw one of my friends at the gym last night and she said I didn't even look pregnant. I didn't know if should be happy or offended that I just look fat!! ha-ha.
Only pic I had and its terrible at that.  Pic taken after my last work out- so excuse the messy sans makeup  look.
Baby is A: Girl!!
Belly Button In or Out:  Still In
Wedding Rings On/ Off: Still on and with my reduction of Salt intake they are fitting a lot better.
Happy Or Moody:  This week I can say I was happy everyday except for Sunday.  My A/C decided to play tricks on me and went out on our way to do some errands.  I decided to throw a temper tantrum about how sucky my car is, how I need a new one and its too damn hot outside to be without A/C for me a pregnant hormonal girl- so Aaron cut our errands short we grabbed lunch and went back home.   Once we were home Aaron looked up what it could be the problem and went out to work on it and low and behold it decided to work again. Yay, gotta love Chevy's!  But I have to admit through my little fits Aaron just takes it like a pro.  I love that man!
Cravings:  Ice Cream.  I think I had it 4 times last week.  I am trying to lay off a little this week coming up though. ;)
Goals This Week: Hit the gym at least 2 more times.  I am down for once so far this week and pack up our kitchen and the things in our bedroom we don't need. We are approx. 4 weeks out from moving!  I seriously cannot wait!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

19 Weeks!!

How Far Along Are You:  19 Weeks (20 weeks exactly today)

Baby Is The Size Of: A Mango

Stretch Marks:  None as of lately.  Still using my Mustella though.
Symptoms:  I've actually felt really great this week.  I worked out twice at home and have even tackled a few home projects.  Sleeping is going pretty well also, which is HUGE!! My feet have swollen a lot this week but, I have decided to try a lower sodium diet.  No more French fries!! The last 3 days they have gone back to normal!
Sleep:  I'm sleeping pretty well.  The only complaint I have is that I can no longer sleep in on the weekend.  6:30 I am up and ready to go for the day!  Aaron doesn't really like this too much, but hes a good sport and usually watches a movie with me till he falls back asleep or we get up and start our day together.
Best Moments:  This week I would say hitting the one month mark  until our house will be complete and looking around for baby furniture.  I also kept my niece again for an afternoon.  I mean seriously who would complain about spending an afternoon with this sweet girl?
Miss Anything:  Not in particular.  I still can't do the Mexican food thing but honestly it doesn't even sound good anymore.  No some chips and queso, that's a whole 'nother story!!
Have You started to Show:  Yes, yes, yes!!  I am kind of starting to become fond of my bump. In the beginning I was a bit self conscious because I started showing so early, but now that I look more pregnant than fat, its kind of nice.
Baby Is A:  Girl!!!
Belly Button In or Out:  Still in.
Wedding Rings On or Off:  Still on thank God.  I am dreading if I have to take them off I may need to get a fake one.
Happy Or Moody:  I think happy for the most part. I just find myself getting moody with our whole laundry situation at home though. I hate, HATE climbing stairs because the dogs always follow me and I feel they will knock me down the stairs.  (this has already happened when I was just a few weeks along and It scared the crap out of me)  Just another month or so and I wont have this issue to deal with anymore!!!  I can't wait!!
Cravings:  Hot Wings, Spicy Chicken Sandwiches (Wendy's) and Ice Cream.
Goals This Week: To keep up on my working out a few days a week.  To start working on a few things for Annie's room.  Pack! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Gender Reveal Party

This post will short and sweet.  Lets get straight to the point.

July 3rd I had my second ultrasound to see if we could get the baby to show itself. I was both nervous and excited.  Nervous, because we had planned another gender reveal party on the 4th and I wasn't sure he/she was going to show itself.  Excited, because well, duh, were going to know what we are having in less than 24 hours if this little pumpkin cooperated today.

On the way to the Dr. I took a lot of my mommy friends advice and chugged some orange juice.

When Aaron and I finally arrived at the Dr. they told us they were running behind. Just great!  All I need is that sugar to run out of me and baby not make a move.  I wasn't very happy, but oh well what can ya do but wait.
Finally we were in after about an hour.  We once again told he didn't want to know until the next day.  She proceeded checking the baby's movement and fingers and toes.  His/ Her brain, heart, etc.  We got to look at the screen for a little bit and see our we little one moving and kicking around and she said that it was even almost in the same position as it was last time.  I asked "well can you tell what it is?"  She said "Oh yea, I saw that a while ago."  YAAAAAY!!! Happy Dance!
After the ultra sound and my Doctor checked everything over we headed out to celebrate.  I had to pick up a few things for the party.  Finally.  And hubby decided we needed a dinner celebration we stopped in at Olive Garden and devoured a Tour of Italy together.  Then we topped it off with my favorite desert.  You have to try those little donuts if you haven't.  They. Are. Heaven!
The next day we woke up bright and early.  Packed the car down with our decorations and headed to my sisters for the party.  After everything was set up it was just time to wait for everyone to show up. 

After stuffing our faces with some BBQ and deserts it was time!!



I am so so happy God has blessed us with a sweet little girl!! I cannot wait to meet our sweet little angel!!

Weeks 17 and 18

Golly!! Where does the time go!   I feel like I just posted about my week a few days ago and then I blink and realize 2 weeks have gone by.  Sorry guys.  Pregnancy brain, swollen feet and the time is takes of building a house is eating my time away from reporting back to y'all on the latest and greatest.

I'm just going to combine weeks 17 and 18 because really I'm tired and lazy and I'm sure nobody really cares that much right?

How Far Along Are you? 18 Weeks (19 weeks and 2 days today)

Baby is the size of a(n): Sweet Potato
Total Weight Gain/ Loss:  Well, Id say I'm definitely not on the loosing end anymore.  I have gained roughly 10 pounds now.
Stretch Marks:  I'm actually surprised I haven't had anymore pop up lately. I know with our genetics we are prone to them.  I'm still using the Mustella cream and I recently purchased some of the Jergens Natural Glow to rub on my legs and arms and face.  This girl needs a tan!!!
Symptoms: I can't complain too terribly about these last few weeks.  I have felt really well.  The only thing that has had me concerned is my feet have been swelling on a daily basis now.  I keep them propped up on a box under my desk in my office but I'm sure that's not even doing much good since I need them above my heart.  I am sure my boss wouldn't agree to me propping them up on the desk, no??
Sleep:  Off and On still.  The nights I don't, man, I have it rough the next day or two. But the nights I do, I wake up feeling great and refreshed.  I even styled my hair a few times, rather than shooting for the same old messy bun.
Best Moments:  For sure finding out what we are having.  I am so over the moon in love with the precious little one and I can't wait to meet them.
Miss Anything:  Nothing too terrible this week.  I would say Mexican Food since I haven't had it in over a month now, but really it just makes me nauseous thinking about it.
Have You Started To Show:  Yup, there is a definite baby in there. I was beginning to feel huge until my OB appointment 2 weeks ago.  There was a girl that was obviously due any day now and she looked so miserable.  I just thought to myself, man I have a long ways to go....Eeek!!!
Baby Is A:  If you don't already know, you'll have to wait til mu next post of my gender reveal party.
Belly Button In or Out:  In, but I feel that I may eventually have an outie.  We will see.
Wedding Rings On or Off: Still on but I have this weird thing going on with it.  All the skin under my ring has been peeling off really bad and with the swelling I've been having it is getting tighter by the day.
Happy or Moody:  Happy for the most part. Just moody for some reason around our fur-babies. I feel so bad I'm not attentive to them anymore.  They just annoy me and I find they smell so bad... even after a bath.  Mommy still loves you Duke and Lucy and Storm though. 
Cravings:  Hot Wings!
Goals this Week:  Try to get the swelling down in my feet, as if that is possible!  Pack up the garage, we get to move in less than 2 months!!  Work out legs and arms at least 2-3 times this week.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weeks 16 and Ultrasound Story

Sorry everyone, I went on a little hiatus last week and totally forgot to update for Week 16.  Lets just say it was not as eventful as I had hoped it would be. I'll explain more below.

How far along are you: 16 weeks! (Today I am actually 17 weeks, I am a week behind)

Baby is the size of a(n):  Avocado.  Yummy

Total Weight Gain/ Loss: 5 pounds!

Stretch Marks: The same, and still using Mustella every night.  though I have noticed the very top of my belly and the right side of my belly is itchy a lot lately.  I'm just trying to stay moisturized as much as possible

Symptoms:  I got very sick last Wednesday again.  Mexican Food and Baby do not get along, though my mind keeps telling me different because I want it. All. The. Time.  I have also had really bad pain in my back and butt area.  After looking it up one night because I could hardly walk we found it is common in pregnancy. Its a pain in the butt- literally.  The sciatic nerve is in the lower part of your spine and the baby can shift and rest directly on this neve, causing severe pain.  Its mostly common in the 3rd trimester but after asking my OB about it, she said that it can happen at any time.  She also said, "it wont get better, but it wont get worse either."  Looks like something I will just have to deal with.

Sleep:  I feel as though some nights are great and others are HORRIBLE.  I am seriously thinking of investing in one of those Snoggle- magigie-pillows

Best Moments:  See our house completely painted on the outside and getting to see our little baby again... 3 times!! (More on that.)  I also got to spend the morning with my sweet niece and nephew.  They are getting so big.  It makes me sad.

Miss Anything:  A descent's night sleep and not feeling like an old lady.  This sciatic pain in my butt is truly awful.  If I get up too fast or bend over the wrong way... shooting pain throughout my body.  My poor husband he just gets to hear me yell profanities until it goes away.

Have you started to show:  Oh Yea!

Baby Is A? :  Ha-ha, we still don't know.  So much for our gender reveal party.

Belly Button In or Out:  Still in, but I can feel everything in my mid section tightening, even the hubby commented this week on how my belly is finally really starting to show and how "round" it looks.  Thanks Babe!

Wedding Rings On or Off:  On, I am really hoping I can wear it the whole pregnancy.

Feeling Happy or Moody:  Happy though, I do have a mood swing here and there when people annoy me.  It tends to happen more at work than anything and I really try to keep it in check, but sometimes its hard. 

Cravings:  Mexican food, until I threw it all up! 

Looking forward to:  Packing this weekend and getting a little bit of rest.  Hopefully finding out next week what our little gummy bear is.  And feeling baby start to kick.  I really think sometimes I feel him/ her in there but then I am not so sure.  I try to lie as still as I can and hold my hand over my lower tummy in hopes to feel something.  No luck yet though.

Goals this week:  I have an order I need to finish and hitting the gym with the hubs. So far we are 2 for 2 this week.  We shall see how it goes!!

So I had my appointment last Wednesday in hopes to find out what we were having and to let all of our family and friends know at our much anticipated gender reveal party we had planned for the following Saturday.  Little did I know is that baby was not having it!!

We first had our ultrasound followed by my monthly check up.  After about 10 minutes of the ultrasound technician prodding my belly she could not get the baby to move enough to see what it was.  She had me flip from side to side several times and poked her fingers around my belly while she waived her magic wand around and nothing.  She said she had only had one other time that this had happened.  She was determined to find out what it was for us.  So we went on to my OB apt and she asked us to wait afterwards and she would see us again.

About 30 min later she called us back in and I laid out on the table while Aaron watched on and..... nothing.  Baby was still in the same spot.  Facing my back, legs tucked and curled.  Moving to a minimum.  Aaron and I were sure it was going to work.  We even had a mini pep talk with baby while waiting for the Dr.

Aaron:  "if you don't show yourself, I am taking away one of your birthday presents!"

Me:  "Please show us what you are.  Momma really wants to eat some cake Saturday.  Better yet, if you show yourself now, I will eat an extra piece just for you!!"

I think we need a little work on our pep talks.  They didn't work.  I almost even considered doing a head stand or some cartwheels.  But I felt that 1- the people in the waiting room would look at me like I was crazy and 2- I was in a dress.

So after another 30 minutes she called us back in and same thing.  She poked and prodded had me roll over 50 times to see if we could "piss" the baby off.   But still, it didn't work.  I guess we either have a very stubborn one on our hands or a very calm, cool collected child that just doesn't care if you mess with him/her or not.

Needless to say.  I am set, I am 100% sure this child is a girl.  She is her mothers daughter and stubborn, yet ladylike at the same time.  She just didn't want anyone to see her goodies.  I know if its a boy and Aaron's son.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Exterior Paint...Check!

When we arrived at the house Friday after work we honestly weren't expecting anything to be done.

Lo and behold the painters were just pulling out of the driveway.  That's right folks, we are in the painting stage!  It appears they had just started that day.  A rough outside coat was put on and some of the trim on the front porch beams.  Nonetheless, I love it.  I am so happy with the color we chose.

And you know what that means?  We had to go buy our paint for the shutters and doors.  If you remember this post you'll know what I am talking about. 

We decided to go with Behr's Aqua Smoke 470E-3. And yes, its almost the exact same color as my Kitchen Aid Mixer, (obsessed much?)
Hopefully in the weeks to come the paint will be done and I can decide if we chose well or made a mistake. I am no decorator so I always fear the worst!!

So tell me what you think, did we choose well or do you think this exterior paint job will be a total fail??

Thursday, June 13, 2013

If these Walls Could Talk....

Now that the frame and siding are all done we got to see the house truly start to transform from within.  First all the beams were put up to separate each room where there will soon be walls.

Kitchen area where stove top will go, then stone will cover the archway, behind the wall is our laundry room

Laundry room looking at custom add on for dogie room

Shower in Master Bath

Soaking Tub in Master Bath (I cannot wait to get in this thing!!)
After that the insulation went up and had to dry a few days.


Sheet Rock was delivered!

And then two days later we had walls- Friday June 7th.

Oh my gosh, its looking like a house people!!!

Isn't it amazing to see a home truly become a home before your eyes.

I can't wait to see what they have done by this weekend.  I am thinking maybe texture and paint.  Maybe.... I guess we'll find out soon.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Foundation and Frame Updates

Gosh, I haven't posted anything on the house since we found out about our sweet bundle of joy we are expecting.  Lots has happened with its progress this month.  I can't even remember week by week what has been done so I will simply let the pictures do the talking again.  I think  its just easier that way!!!

Here are pictures of the foundation and then frame going up. Approximately May 1- May 10th.

Foundation Poured approx April 30th

Frame just appeared our next visit out, Approx May 6th

Went out a few days later and we had a roof!!

The inside, fireplace with built ins.
I of course had to mark our home right away, right on the mantle.  50 years from now it'll still be there.

15 Weeks!!

How Far Along: 15 weeks and 1 day today!

Baby is the size of an Orange

Total Weight Gain/ Loss: Looks like I am down a pound from last week.  Total weight gain of 3 pounds now

Stretch Marks: The same, and still using Mustella every night.

Symptoms:  This week I have felt great!! 

Sleep:  Pretty well, last night was a bit restless but I did stay up til midnight watching Safe Haven so that just might have to do with it!  I have noticed too I am not getting up near as often to go pee.  Happy Dance!!!

Best Moments:  This week has been pretty laid back. I would say the best moments were spending time with my cousin Diane and talking to her and my sister about their birth stories. 

Also, keeping my sweet niece over night for the first time.  She is such a sweet snugly baby. I could love on her all day long!! 

And our house has walls!! So that is pretty awesome!

Miss Anything:  Ice cream!!  I ate it last week after lunch and had the worst stomach ache after that.  Baby doesn't like it I suppose.  That or anything sweet. 

Have you started to show:  Yup!!

Baby Is A? :  We find out next week!!!

Belly Button In or Out:  Still in!  But my stomach is getting harder by the day!

Wedding Rings On or Off:  On, and I got it cleaned on Sunday, looks so much better!!

Feeling Happy or Moody:  Happy for sure!!

Cravings:  Boneless Buffalo Chicken Wings, I think I ate them 4 times this week so far!!

Looking forward to:  Relaxing this weekend and finishing up a few things for our gender reveal party next weekend.

Goals this week:  Keep up with the laundry and go to the gym a couple times